

Quality Modern & Traditional Trout Flies and Materials

Another one of the most successful Northern Bloodworm patterns are the 4 leg and the 8 leggers, great for pulling,  these flies are a must for all waters.

Very effective on a floating line but deadly when pulled on an intermediate line.

There are many  successful copies of  this pattern which may look the same as mine however the body beads may be different and the Flexi-Floss shades are different as I dye my own and that way I know I get the correct colours.

Flexi-floss Bloodworms



Red Devil





Bung Pinky

Tungsten Bead


UV Bright Yellow 8 leg


Black 8 leg


White UV Yellow beads



UV Lime beads


Greyboy  (Dun) 8 leg

Emerald Green 8 Leg



Dark Olive 8 leg


Copper 8 Leg

Please note shades may vary slightly from pictures.


Lt/Med Olive


Red 8 leg


Amber 8 leg


Bright Pink 8 leg

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